Drawing Resizeable Shapes - The box Property

In most cases, shapes are expected to be scalable. Pencil uses the Dimension property type to set shape size through the Box behavior. A Dimension property named box can be modified by the on-screen geometry editor. Changes to the size of box will be applied to the shape’s size.

The following example is a resizeable rectangle based on a $box property.

<Shape id="RoundedRect" displayName="Rectangle" icon="...">
            <Property name="box" type="Dimension">200,80</Property>
        <PropertyGroup name="Background">
            <Property name="fillColor" displayName="Background Color" type="Color">
        <PropertyGroup name="Border">
            <Property name="strokeColor" displayName="Line Color" type="Color">
            <Property name="strokeStyle" displayName="Line Style" type="StrokeStyle">
        <For ref="rrRect">
    <p:Content xmlns:p="http://www.evolus.vn/Namespace/Pencil"
        <rect id="rrRect" x="0" y="0" />

An SVG rectangle has width and height attributes. The Box behavior will use the input Dimension value to change those width and height attributes. When the user scales the Shape using the on-canvas geometry editor, the behavior will apply the changes to the <rect> SVG element.

Add Rounded Corner

SVG rectangles may have rounded corners. Pencil also supports the Radius behavior to simplify this. In this example we add a Handle property into the Shape and use its value in the Radius behavior.

<PropertyGroup name="Handles">
    <Property name="radius" displayName="Corner Radius"
              type="Handle" p:lockY="true" p:minX="0" p:maxX="$box.w / 2">0,0</Property>

    <!-- ... -->
    <!-- ... -->

In previous examples, the Dimension property type is used for drawing resizeable shapes via the Box behavior. However the Box behavior can only be used in cases where the target element supports width and height attributes. For cases where we want to apply the Dimension value to an arbitrary attribute we can use the Attr behavior. This approach can be used for all property types, not just Dimension.

<Shape id="ms-oval" displayName="Oval" icon="Icons/oval.png">
            <Property name="box" displayName="Box" type="Dimension">100,80<Property>
        <PropertyGroup name="Background">
            <Property name="fillColor" displayName="Background Color" type="Color">
        <PropertyGroup name="Border">
            <Property name="strokeColor" displayName="Line Color" type="Color">
            <Property name="strokeStyle" displayName="Line Style" type="StrokeStyle">
        <For ref="ellipse">
                <Arg>$box.w / 2</Arg>
                <Arg>$box.h / 2</Arg>
                <Arg>$box.w / 2</Arg>
                <Arg>$box.h / 2</Arg>
    <p:Content xmlns:p="http://www.evolus.vn/Namespace/Pencil"
        <ellipse id="ellipse" />

The Attr behavior can be used for assigning a value to any attribute of an object. In the first example, the Attr behavior could have been used instead of <Box>$box</Box> for the rectangle element:
